Walt Whitman to Dr. Seuss- I can’t help it, I love a good rhyme, and
Curren$y’s “The Stoned Immaculate”, one of this year’s biggest rap
releases, delivers on all metered counts.
In his own words, on “Take You There”, the New Orleans rapper says,
“If you ain't heard of me…guessin that your internet services ain't
working too good at y’alls pad”
Curren$y’s quip on internet service is almost lost in the wordplay odyssey
that is “Immaculate” (elsewhere he raps; ‘I chase that money like it
said something about my momma, I chase that money like it
key-scratched my impala), but as an intern at a firm that heads Web 2.0 campaigns for entertainment clients, it’s a verse I can definitely appreciate.
Curren$y’s lyrics and trajectory into mainstream fame show an uncanny awareness that; the web, especially social media sites are an effective place to build a fan base and get heard (the core concept of PR 2.0).
He’s only been signed to the Warner Brother label for a year, but a large fanbase, ahem, adherents to the “jet code” has sustained the 31-year-old rapper’s career, spanning multiple labels, since his 2002 debut.
They eat up songs like #Jetsgo; the lead track of 2011’s “Weekend at Burnie’s” (Warner Brothers).
#Jetsgo is a lyrically crafted and bumpable rap song bearing a title, like the stage name Curren$y, that becomes somewhat refracted when communicated through anything other than a laptop or iPhone.
The chorus of #Jetsgo consists of Curren$y literally rapping; “yeah, doe, pound-sign jetsgo”.
It’s a way catchier song than you’d think and naturally compels his listeners to switch tabs from iTunes to Twitter, where they have made Curren$y’s #Jetsgo motto a perennial trending topic.
The song probably wasn’t contrived as a mastermind social media marketing strategy (Curren$y says between the #Jetsgo chorus his lyrics are “far too intricate to be made up”) but a close look certainly shows they may have worked as one.
Curren$y seems well on his way to fame of Ke$ha proportion.
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